Saturday, May 2, 2009


I know that everyone is busy, it seems that a lot of times when someone says that they are busy the next person tries to explain how they are so much more busy. These past two weeks have been full, full of wonderful blessings, but still full to say the least. I will be done student teaching on Friday, May 8th so I have let the house go, I have let things that can wait wait, and placed many things on the back burner knowing that eventually when I get not so busy that they will still be there waiting on me. (it was brought to my attention today at lunch that maybe I have taken this too far when our daughter said, mom aren't these dirty dinner plates from two nights ago?) but you know what they too will be there when I get to them, along with whatever has grown on them in the meantime..... maybe the kitchen is not something that can wait as long as other things.... regardless I know that this season of my life is almost over, very soon I will be a college graduate, no more homework which are words that I have not been able to say for quite some time.

This busy season of my life has made me think, of all the things that I place on the back burner of all the things that can wait till tomorrow, how often does Christ fall into the category? I had every intention to wash the dirty dishes from two nights ago two nights ago but it just did not get done. It makes we wonder how often do we say I had every intention of going to church this Sunday but this came up and then this came up. I had every intention of reading my bible study or reading my bible but the things that could not wait got in the way. I say this only because this is something that I am dealing with this week. I think that my problem with this is that since God is not physically in our face it is easier to put Him off. The worst part is He is the one and only thing that CAN not wait. I serve a jealous God and when I place the things of this world or the priorities of this world above Him I am not truly serving Him. In our bible study this week we learned that when God told the disciples to drop their nets and follow him, they did, no questions asked, no looking back. I want to serve our God like that, I want to serve Him first thing everyday. I know that it will not be an easy thing to do as life always seem to get in the way. I will have to wake up everyday and make a conscious decision to not let anything get in the way of reading my bible or serving him with all that I am. Just some thoughts......

Madysen's doctor appointment is on Tuesday, we should know more about what is going on with her after that.
In His Love,

1 comment:

  1. Enjoyed reading your blog tonight.....I love finding new blogs...Had a little time to blog hop tonight while waiting to go to the hospital and welcome a new grandson tomorrow. This month I am posting about our Disney trip, plus a great giveaway.
